Custody Archives | Steven Miller


How to Modify Timesharing Custody

Posted in Custody on March 25, 2017

Timesharing is the current term utilized in Florida to describe just that – how the parents will share time with their children.  It’s a safe, politically correct term that offends no-one.  Back in the day, before the legislature saw fit to make a change, it was called child custody.  We talked about primary and secondary… read more

How to Get Full Child Custody

Posted in Custody,Florida Family Law on March 15, 2017

One question we get at least two or three times per week is “How do I get full custody of my kids?” It’s not a question that is unique to mother or father. When there is a breakdown of the marriage, a change in the child raising aspect of the family will invariably occur.   There… read more

How to Maintain Father’s Rights

Posted in Custody on March 15, 2017

Does a father not have equal rights to raise the children, spend time with the children, discipline the children and enjoy the minute by minute, 24/7 joy that raising children in this day and age brings? Should father’s jump on this “father’s rights bandwagon” being marketed by Florida divorce lawyers? The answers to those questions… read more