Child Support Archives | Steven Miller

Child Support

What is Contempt of Court?

Posted in Child Support on April 15, 2017

Simply put, contempt of court is defined as a willful violation of a court order.  Have you done something that a judge ordered you not to do or failed to do something a judge ordered you to do?  If so, you may be in contempt of court, maybe. Your case is finally over.  The final… read more

How to Avoid Paying Florida Child Support

Posted in Child Support on February 16, 2017

Florida state law prohibits any document company or paralegals to give any legal advice and answering “right/wrong” questions about Florida child support laws, or any legal issue for that matter. When they answer your question, report them to the Florida Bar for the unlicensed practice of law. The answer they usually give is “sure, just… read more